Chapter Officers
Jilly Lyle

Hello! I am Jilly and I am the President of Gamma Iota. This spring has been an absolute blast. With the help of an amazing Chapter Council, Advisory Board, and Chapter, I was able to lead Gamma Iota through another successful semester. My goals of this year were to focus on transparency and chapter involvement. The results have been promising. We had a stellar spring recruitment, which added 50 astounding new members to our chapter. We channeled that momentum into the new member period and coordinated many events to help incorporate the new gals into our chapter. Every chapter, after the new members had been excused, we rehearsed for initiation. This resulted in a smooth I week, allowing us time to really appreciate the traditions and reflect on what Kappa means to us. Kappa Karaoke followed shortly after Spring Break and we raised approximately $3,000.00! We have the highest grossing philanthropy on campus and not only that, all chapters are excited to participate. It is a special time for the greek community! I have been so proud to serve as Chapter President and cannot wait to see what is in store for fall!
Samantha Clevenger

Vice President of Standards
Hi there! My name is Samantha and I am Gamma Iota's Vice President of Standards. Being new to the position this semester, my committee and I worked hard to create a cohesive and understanding team. Our goals are to thoroughly express love for our sisters while upholding all the rules and regulations that make Kappa Kappa Gamma run smoothly. We will be continuing to work to make Standards a more positive and approachable position, started by our previous committee. "Kappa of the Week" and the pick-me-ups remain great ways to increase morale and give shout outs to our most helpful sisters! This semester, our Thanksgiving dinner sisterhood event was an amazing night filled with yummy food and lots of laughter and dancing! New sisterhood events are on the way, including movies, sister-given spa nights, and many more! We also experienced a devilish date party that featured a wickedly fun Halloween theme! Awareness of Kappa policy and expectations is at an all time high in our chapter. I'm looking forward to planning Spring sisterhood events and helping to maintain the high level of excellence that Gamma Iota holds our members to!
Samantha Zambri

Vice President of Academic Excellence
My name is Sam and I am the Vice President of Academic Excellence. In February, I organized Scholarship Desserts to celebrate all of our chapter members with 3.5+ GPAs, 4.0 GPAs (all 17 of them!!), and our amazing chapter GPA average that was above the all-sorority average and the all-undergraduate average. This semester, I tried to focus a lot of my attention on our New Member Class to ensure that they had a smooth academic transition into our chapter. This included conducting one-on-one meetings, offering tutors, incentivizing strong study habits, and hosting study hours. In order to wrap up the semester, Gamma Iota enjoyed a study break that was filled with delicious treats during finals week. I am looking forward to seeing our academic success continue to grow next semester!
Heidi Nassos

Vice President of Organization
Hi! My name is Heidi and I'm the Vice President of Organization for Gamma Iota! In my position, I've been able to help plan chapter meetings and organize chapter council, and put together the calendar! I've also worked with the chapter on strategic goals and helped CC plan and execute a multitude of endeavors. In addition, I was able to arrange for the Leadership Consultant's stay and am looking forward to planning Leadership Training in the fall, as well as working on more calendar creating and revamping, and using the GIN system!
Natalie Stephanus

Risk Management Chairman
Hi! My name is Natalie and I am Risk Management Chairman for Gamma Iota. This semester I will help coordinate the Event Planning Forms for events such as Bid Day, Monmouth, and Formal. I also will make sure that all of the sisters fill out their emergency cards electronically on the Kappa website and fill out their driving forms if they have a car on campus. I’m excited for a fun and safe semester on chapter council!
Emily Ghazi

Hello! My name is Emily and I am Gamma Iota’s Treasurer. My main responsibilities as Treasurer include collecting dues from members in the Spring and Fall, creating & managing the budget for the 2 semesters, and writing checks to each of our vendors. In addition, I plan to have meetings with each officer in order to discuss the budget and make sure that I am allocating enough money to their position. I am so excited for the upcoming year!
Katie Zara

Hi! My name is Katie and I am Gamma Iota's Registrar. This semester, I worked mainly on the organizing and production of our Composite. The photographer came to our suite the last weekend in March and we successfully photographed almost every gorgeous girl in our chapter! Ariel and I successfully kept the entire ordeal within budget and Marissa and I worked to ensure that every member came to her allotted photo shoot time slot. I also turned in a chapter history report in February, which should be available to all of you through Kappapedia, and maintained the KeyReports website. I'm excited to see how the composite turns out and can't wait for the fall!
Katie Simons

Hi, my name is Katie and I am the Marshal of Gamma Iota. I really look forward to the new member class of 2016 and getting to teach them all of the amazing Kappa ritual that ties our chapter to Kappas worldwide. I organized formal pledging the week after Bid Day. After that, I really focused on getting everything and everyone ready for Initiation in March—including making sure the chapter and the President are ready to welcome our new members into the Fraternity. Basically my job is to help the chapter come to know and value our rituals and traditions and help join us with the greater organization that is Kappa Kappa Gamma.
Kenzie Yess

Recruitment Chair
Hi, my name is Kenzie and I am Recruitment Chair for Gamma Iota. I began the semester as assistant Recruitment Chair, learning how to lead our chapter through the process next January. We had a very successful Recruitment and we love our new pledge class! After a few quiet months we have begun planning for Recruitment 2017, while there are going to be some changes, we are very excited and expect it to be just as successful!
Sarah Herbsman

Education Chairman
Hi! My name is Sarah and I am the Education Chairman for Gamma Iota. This past semester, I have worked to plan a variety of senior programming events for the graduating class . I also organized and executed Senior Brunch, and made a few changes to the event with the help of my advisor. We created a separate event for the seniors to hear from alumnae about what it means to be a Kappa post-graduation. In addition, planning for Founder's Day next fall is underway.
Lauren Kohart

House Chairman
Hi, my name is Lauren and I am the House Chairman for Gamma Iota's Chapter Council. I was able to host a House Board meeting in the suite, where we discussed purchasing new cleaning supplies for the new hardwood floors and more furniture in order to keep the suite looking well-kept. I am currently working with my advisor to create a cleaning calendar for next semester and for future house chairmans. The calendar will highlight all large Wash U events, such as alumni weekend or commencement, when guests typically come to the see the suite. Therefore, the house chairman can clean the suite ahead of time so that our guests can enjoy the suite during their visit!
Taylor Lavender

Recording Secretary
Hi, my name is Taylor and I am the Recording Secretary! Since taking this position, I have revised the Bylaws and Standing Rules, as well as placed most of my focus on attendance. I did this by making presentation at both our first chapter of the semester and at a New Member meeting, explaining and clarifying the policy to all of our members. Attendance has been incredibly high at all chapter meetings and sisterhood events! Additionally, I have worked with other members of Chapter Council to create a document where they can add tasks they need help with, which I then send to members with attendance issues so they can make up their missed time. This has proven to be very successful. Overall, it has been a great semester for the girls of Gamma Iota!
Corrina Thompson

Public Relations Chairman
My name is Corrina and I am the Public Relations Chairman. Upon taking the role of PR this semester, I have revamped the chapter's role through social media with social networking platforms such as facebook, twitter and tumblr. I have learned the importance of Kappa's activity on social media because it brings awareness to our community and lets them know of all the amazing things the sisters of Gamma Iota are doing. Through the awareness brought on by social media, Kappa Karaoke was one of the most highly attended greek events on WashU's campus. Next semester I hope to take a more personal approach with social media through the GIN system--a program that is designed to help individual greek chapters stay in the know. It also will give us a way to stay in touch and network with Alumni of Gamma Iota.
Ashlyn Elftmann

Philanthropy Chairman
Hi! My name is Ashlyn and I am the Philanthropy Chairman of Gamma Iota. This semester I will be working to plan our annual philanthropy event, Kappa Karaoke. Last year Gamma Iota was able to raise over $1500 for Reading is Fundamental and the Kappa Kappa Gamma Foundation with this event. I am proud to say we had over one thousand people in both Greek and non-Greek life attend the event, making it the largest and most widely attended philanthropy event on campus! Our second event of the year is Walk to the Arch, where our entire chapter spreads awareness for Reading is Fundamental with an 8 mile walk from Washington University all the way to the St. Louis Arch. This year I plan to restructure this event and seek out local businesses to sponsor us on our walk so we are not only spreading awareness but raising money for this wonderful cause. Apart from our own philanthropy, I’ll be working with the other philanthropy chairmen on campus throughout the year and encouraging the women of Gamma Iota to participate in and support the other fraternities and sororities during their philanthropy weeks. I am so excited for this amazing opportunity to continue our amazing philanthropy efforts as a chapter.
Megan Shaw

Panhellenic Delegate
Hey! My name is Megan and I am the Panhellenic Delegate for Kappa. This semester, my goal is to increase communication between our chapter and Women’s Panhellenic Association while also encouraging our chapter to get more involved in Greek-wide events. Some of the events I look forward to helping out with are the Progressive Dinner, a subsidized Blues game, and Greek Week! I am so proud to represent Kappa in the WPA and am excited for the semester to come!
Erin Pisters

New Member Chairman
Hi, my name is Erin and I am Gamma Iota's New Member Chairman. As the liaison between the new members and the chapter I have worked to create a welcoming and warm environment for our newest member class this past semester. I worked closely with each of our 50 new members throughout the new member period, starting with planning a very successful Bid Day in January. We met weekly to enrich them with knowledge of the Fraternity and our chapter. It was a pleasure to see them grow individually as members of Kappa Kappa Gamma as well as new sisters. In March, each new member was initiated. In the fall I hope to facilitate bonding between our newest initiates and the active members abroad to make them an even more cohesive unit in our chapter.
Steph McCormack

Events Chair
My name is Steph and I'm the Events Chair for Gamma Iota. This semester my two main jobs were the planning of our date party, Monmouth, and our formal. Monmouth took place in February. For that event I reserved a space on campus, filled out the EPF, hired a DJ and security, and the event was a success! For our formal I started the planning in December by reserving the Chase Park Plaza for April 26th. The event required several documents such as proofs of insurances, bus contracts, and the EPF. I hired the same DJ used for our date party, a photographer, a photo booth, and security. We had a lovely chaperone to help us also, Courtney Reeves. Our spring formal also has a dinner for the seniors before the rest of the chapter arrives, so the food for that portion was carefully selected and delicious! The bus schedule was coordinated so that the seniors arrived an hour prior to the rest of the chapter. We had 3 busses to safely shuttle everyone to and from the event. There was also food for the rest of the chapter during the rest of the event. Overall, the event was a huge success and everyone in the chapter had a great time!
Taryn Issel